
미국주식 다 가격상승만하는게 아니구나... 페이팔홀딩스

붕어빵 랩실 2022. 2. 3. 09:48

페이팔 홀딩스 주가가 곤두박질 하였다...ㄷㄷㄷㄷ



가끔 그냥 국내 기사 읽어주는것보다.... 외국기사로 보는게 좀 편할때도 있다.

By Dhirendra Tripathi

Investing.com – PayPal stock (NASDAQ:PYPL) plummeted nearly 17% in premarket trading Wednesday as online spending slows and the full impact of its disengagement with former parent eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY) unfolds.

The company continues to suffer from the impact of EBay transitioning to its own payments platform, a separation worked out in 2015 when PayPal was spun out of the e-commerce marketplace operator.

The split with EBay is expected to cost $600 million in revenue in the first half of this year, Reuters quoted Chief Executive Officer Dan Schulman as telling analysts in a conference call. That will slow overall revenue growth this quarter to only 6%, barely half of what analysts had forecast, and less than half the 13% growth recorded in the final quarter of last year.

Compared to 26% growth in the third quarter, total payment volume growth slipped to 23% in the fourth. The pandemic forced businesses to digitize and the acceptance of PayPal’s platform among consumers and merchants grew. That growth is now abating as consumption adjusts to normal levels, and shoppers return to physical stores.

PayPal sees itself adding just 15 million-20 million net new active accounts this year, barely a third of the 49 million it added in 2021.

The platform closed the month with 426 million active accounts. According to Bloomberg, it has abandoned its guidance of having 750 million active accounts by 2025, a decision arising out of its discovery of 4.5 million accounts created illegitimately.

Adjusted profit per share of $1.11 was higher than $1.08 a year ago but fell short of estimates.


대충 분석해보자

online spending slows and the full impact of its disengagement with former parent eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY) unfolds.

이게 글의 핵심인듯 하다..

온라인 소비지출 감소와 이베이 독립에 대한 영향으로 주가가 빠지고 있단다...

그러니깐 원래는 페이팔이 이베이꺼였는데... 회사를 독립시켰단다.... (우리가 생각하는 자회사는 아니고 그냥 독립적인 회사로 된듯하다..)

그래서 그 영향으로 온라인 소비매출부분이 줄어서 주가가 빠지고 있다는것이다.

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그래도 2015년에 분리되었다고 했는데... 7년이나 지난 지금도 여전히 그 영향을 받고 있다니......

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